I've had a couple of non-stick All-Clad pans for two years now...
We (SWMBO and I) have a couple of All-Clad frying pans, not the coated non-stick models, but the 3-ply laminated stainless steel ones.
Yesterday SWMBO did her inadvertent best to kill the 12" ($100+

) pan by leaving it on the lit gas stove for 45 minutes with nothing in it but a tablespoon of corn oil while we went to the neighboring town of Chapala. The pan did not delaminate (a real possibility with abusive overheating) but the oil residue is literally vulcanized to the bottom of the pan in a layer that appears to be just a few molecules thick, and nothing I have tried has removed it. I am making steady but
very slow progress with one of those 3-M scrubber sponges, but at the current rate of progress it will be hours of work, and then no real certainty that the pan will be usable. All-Clad recommends against the use of harsh cleaning solutions and absolutely forbids things like steel wool or metal scouring pads.
All-Clad had no useful advice when I e-mailed them.
Any suggestions?