If you go through the process of powering down every breaker, you can take the opportunity to label them more clearly.

Ha! True. The tough part there is in knowing exactly what is getting turned off/on. Sometimes it seems like an outlet in one breaker actually belongs to another one. It'll be a bit of a chore depending on how detailed I want to get

But you're absolutely right. This might be worth the effort alone.
I'm still really curious as to what it is. It *sounds* like a pump of some kind to me. But you said you were sure that your house doesn't have a pump to keep the water pressure up on the third floor.
We don't have anything for water pressure, but we have a valve in the wall for our shower. It's an electronic one that's controlled by a digital panel. I've never fully eliminated this valve as a suspect, but I know exactly where it is in the wall, and if I put my ear directly next to it the sound isn't any louder.