Finished the projection install today. I shelf mounted it in an existing wall unit, and added a 140mm external QUIET fan to draw the warm exhaust flow upwards and away from listeners' ears. All of the wiring goes to a power and keystone combo outlet, located at projector level and just right of the bookcase.
The 100" diagonal screen arrived yesterday, and is now hanging by chains from the ceiling over top of the electronics bench. When pulled down, the bottom is about 8cm above the table top.
The Logitech Z-5500 sound system is also now all in place with wires mostly tucked out of sight.
Despite being on the North-East corner of our home, this room is still quite bright, with four windows of its own plus light streaming in through the south facing doorway. The projector (BenQ) is still visible under these conditions, but quite faded, so I have added blackout drapes to the windows left of the screen, and fab'd a fold-away light blocking panel from cardboard for the other windows, for use when needed.
I have tried the ABOX A6 alongside the BenQ under similar conditions (all windows streaming light) and it is not very visible by comparison. But with just a bit of shade around the windows it also looks pretty good.
Yes, I still have an ABOX A6 -- the sellers wanted me to have another look at it so they sent me a freebie after I returned the original. Now that I've used the BenQ and Optoma projectors, the ABOX isn't really all that bad. Especially when the room is dimmed, which I find I want even for the BenQ DLP. So the only real bad mark on the ABOX is the fan noise, and I did update my Amazon review to be just a little bit kinder to it.
