oops, it did it again... (it's not that innocent

i tried to catch this in a serial log, but the problem just didn't occur... but there are other things i see in the log that may be connected:
while the unit is playing, i see lines like these all the time:
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (28)
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (28)
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (27)
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (25)
and on startup i see these lines:
I see this is a developer image!
Mounting proc
Mounting first music partition
Tried to mount /dev/hda4 as reiserfs but got error 19
Mounting second music partition
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
Press 'q' now to go into development mode. You Have Zero Seconds To Comply...
Starting player
player.cpp : 550:empeg-car 2.00-beta7 (internal) 2001/12/22.
dhcp_thread.cpp : 413:name = lo
dhcp_thread.cpp : 414:index = 1
dhcp_thread.cpp : 415:flags = 0x8
dhcp_thread.cpp : 416:addr =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 417:bcast =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 418:mask =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 413:name = eth0
dhcp_thread.cpp : 414:index = 2
dhcp_thread.cpp : 415:flags = 0x1002
dhcp_thread.cpp : 416:addr =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 417:bcast =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 418:mask =
dhcp_thread.cpp : 478:Adding interface eth0
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1335 Dec 22 2001
Vcb: 0x405d7000
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1052:Failed to seek to offset 718002, error=0xc0044000
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1047:Failed to find valid sync after seeking to offset 7180
02, error=0xc0044000
is the problem in there ? and what is the 'reiserfs' ??