When it comes to computers (well programming, because thats what I do, I don't really know about the other side) I think the most important trait is creative ability. When I was in school there were only two people I knew of in all my computer classes the exhibited this quality. It took some people days to complete projects that took me only two hours to program (under 1,000 lines of code). That's not to say I'm a great programmer, but just that most of these people were there because they had heard being in computers was the big thing to do and not because they had any aptitude for it. I remember taking a C++ course and having a graduating senior walk out of a test in anger because the professor wouldn't tell her how to create the text file needed to complete an exersise. She was so mad and I just couldn't understand how she could think she was going to be able to have any job in computers if after for years of classes she still didn't know how to do such a simple thing. So, I guess my point is that while there are a lot of people doing computers, I think that perhaps the market is flooded with those like the people graduated from my university who have no business in the IT field but get hired because they look good on paper. Just my 2 cents of course . . .
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.