I totally agree, the world is flooded with IT wannabees, some of which earn a fortune, others earning little, but in gereral the majority at the bottom of a steep learning curve they their attitude shows they will never climb "knowledge-wise" very far!
You need to be a certain kind of person to be really good at IT, someone who is dedicated to solving tasks and learning on their own, not someone who just deligates, but someone who gets the job done nomatter how difficult or what difficulties stand in the way!
I have had great difficulties finding good IT support people to help me, we've hired no end, some with impressive CV's, but to be honest what they do in a month I could do in a few days!
I've got one lad now who tries really hard and is learning fast but even though everyone "thinks" they are IT people, there are very few that are "dedicated" enough to be called IT Professionals!
- Sorry to ramble on!