I'm trying to spruce up my home theater system a little. I'll expand on these later, but at the moment I'm looking into getting new cables for pretty much everything (3 dollar radio shack cables have to be real great for quality ). I'm also looking for a good surge protector. I also need a new connection method for Tivo. Lastly, I need a component cabinet.

1) Cables: I was planning on just going with the bottom of the line Monster stuff. I don't want to spend too much money, but this will be miles beyond the crap I have now. I'm mostly looking for a bunch of 3-pronged RCA, a couple single RCA cables, a coax cable, and about 25 feet of speaker cable, possibly 100 if I decide to replace the cabling in the walls to the rears. If there's another brand that's more cost effective for the same quality, I'd be open to suggestions. It's just that I have one 3-RCA Monster cable and it's really nice.

2) I really have no idea what kind of surge protector to get. I'd just like to get everything off the wall and off the cheapo (again, Radio Shack) surge protectors. I mainly need enough outlets for the TV, receiver, Tivo, DVD player, and maybe one or two other devices. I don't really care about having game systems and the like on the strip. Also, depending on what connection I use for Tivo (more later), would it be reasonable to get a telephone protector in it as well??

3) Tivo connection. I have no phone jacks near my TV. I don't want to open the Tivo up and add anything. This makes it difficult to connect for guide info. I bought a wireless phone jack system, but sometimes Tivo would go for weeks without being able to connect with it. I hooked a regular phone up to it once and the static was horrible! I could barely hear the dial tone. Are there any other options?

4) Finally, I need a system cabinet. I don't understand why nobody sells basic ones! I've been to home improvement stores and countless web sites, and the only thing anyone sells is stuff like complete cabinets that hold a TV and 50 other things as well. I just want something that will hold the components like the receiver and Tivo and DVD player. My dad's is great because the shelves are held up by arms in the back, and that allows the two glass doors in front to open up and slide back out of the way. That would be ideal, but if it's not available or way too expensive, I'd settle for a simple deep, backless bookcase for crying out loud!

Can anyone help me with these items? Sorry for such a long cry for help, but I've been researching this for a month or two and haven't gotten anywhere!