I have finished developing an mp3 search utility for windows. Its ultra fast and uses a sql (sqlite) backend - so memory footprint is quite small
I developed this program for a client of mine who needs to create playlists out of a colloection of 30000 mp3s, the existing windows search was too slow and lacking and most mp3 management tools out there were too bloated and confusing
The program supports drag and drop so you can drag stuff directly into emplode
The hilighting feature is used in a somewhat similar fashion to playlists just press ctrl-r on the song you would like to highlight and there after the song will be marked in red.
<IMPORTANT> I do not modify or remove any ID3 tags or filenames</IMPORTANT>
my database uses an md5 hash to uniquly identify tracks so it is trivial to detect duplicate songs in the collection (in a later release i will add this feature)
my program requires winamp is installed if you want double click to fire up the song in winamp
you will also need the latest version of vb runtime (most of you will already have it)
I have not made an installer yet you can simply decompress the files into a directory and go .. (cdex style install)
Please let me know if you find this useful
to download music search go to