No worries
This is what im doing when a song is double clicked
With SEI
.cbSize = Len(SEI)
.hwnd = Me.hwnd
.hInstApp = App.hInstance
End With
With mp3
SEI.lpFile = .filename & vbNullString
SEI.lpDirectory = .Dir & .Subdir & vbNullString
End With
ShellExecuteEx SEI
This emulates what explorer does when a file is double clicked. The Enqueue feature is non standard - there I do start winamp minimised
Anyway what do you suggest I do about this?
I suspect your winamp settings must have changed to somehing non standard
On another note my musicsearch with 13562 songs has the memory footprint of 1.6Megs, pretty proud of that - wincue + winamp with the same setting has the footprint of 45Megs
working on an mfc version - multithreading rules
Sam Saffron