Would there be any interest in having "Empeg Mousepads" made up (within the next 3 weeks, I may be able to make T-shirts as well)? I have a business that makes custom mouse pads. If you guys were interested and Sonic Blue gave me the permission, I could make mousepads up for the event. Depending on how many people were interested, that would determine the cost per pad. (Prices currently range anywhere from $10.99 per pad down to $7.99 per pad depending on quantity and thickness).

The graphics/logos could be anthing you guys choose. It could be anything you guys would agree on, the LOGO, or the logo with the linux penguin, or a combination of stuff. It could have the "Ohio Meet" put on it or whatever you like... Please send me a private message if anyone would be interested...

Laura, are you in charge of the meet?