For those of you not in the UK,
You may or may not, be aware that there is/was a brand of condom available in the UK called "Jiffy" [don't ask me why its called that - except that maybe Jiffy
used as a condom brand name hinted at how quick/easy they were to put on/use, and hopefully not how long they were in use for].

I recall seeing them for sale in coin operating condom dispensers in some UK pubs in the 80s.

The Jiffy brand name lead to a memorable marketing slogan - (so I have been told),

If its stiffy, use a Jiffy.

Which is kind of succinct and to the point [no pun intended].

Which reminds me of a colleague of mine told me once years ago that one of Stiff Records (a UK independent record label in the 70's and 80s) early marketing tag/byline was "If it ain't Stiff it ain't worth a F*ck"

But, neither of these explain why a small unit of time is called a Jiffy.

Then again, how many people know the smallest measureable unit of measure of mouse movement is/was called a "mickey" [I read this in some Microsoft documentation 20 years ago]?

[I think there were something like 100 mickeys to a inch, but I may be wrong]