For those staying in the cabins, please call 1-800-282-7275 to pay for your lodging in advance. We have until tomorrow to pay for the cabins. The fee is $29.00 per person for each night. That will take care of the taxes and other fees charged. The cabins will be assigned to the group a week or two before the meet and they said they would try their best to have them close together. You can decide on the assignments when you arrive so you can decide whom you want to stay with. Those that need a room together (couples or friends) will be able to do so, there are enough rooms.

Tell them you are with the empeg owners group and the group # is 011074.

So far only Mark and Rob have called and put money down. They are both paying for their own cabins so we have 4 cabins that still need paid for. If no one pays then it is going to all be charged to me since I don't want to lose the cabins. So those that don't pay by tomorrow can pay me when they come.

MKI #017/90
