A pit bull would have saved my ass but probably have eaten my two other pets as well. In my house and at this time, a dog is not an option.

After totalling everything up, I lost about $4700 worth of stuff. I have not yet been told by my insurance company what will happen so thats still up in the air.

The suckiest part is not knowing what is going on in my own home. I sit here at work feeling vulnerable.. I dont know that this thief will return or not to get the rest of what he left behind.

I gotta tell ya, I used to hate those danged X10 video camera ads that popped up all the time in my browser. I am rethinking that, and may set one up at home so I can see whats going on. I would have loved to have been able to call the cops on this guy and have him busted red handed.

My car is in the shop for major engine repairs. It seems the local oil change place didn't put my oil filter back on correctly, and 200 miles later there is no oil and my engine seizes.. so my empeg sits on my desk at home. I thought it was safe there.. but at least he didn't take it and it still works, even after being thrown to the floor.

I am really having a string of bad luck!
Carl Aydelotte Dallas Texas USA empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green