Oops I forgot the ALT tabs when I redesigned the page last year Thanks for the tip! Which page gave the error you mentioned? The main page or somewhere down in the site?
And thanks for validator, I had forgotten about those checkers.
I have always had problems converting an Excel spreadsheet to HTML and then finishing the page with Netscape Composer 4.78. The standings page has always been rather screwy with borders dropping in various places and it's bloated with MS code. Anyone know of a better way to handle the table conversion? I save it as a webpage in Excel then go to Composer.
As for the javascript, I've been inclined to get rid of it, it should only be on the main page right now. It's that free counter as well as a javascript in the staus bar.
The best part is that we've gained about 10 new members because they found the webpage and it's one of the few bass club websites in the area that is current and constantly updated.