That was when I was around 12, and it was only about 4-5kv at no more than 30mA or so. Yes, I still have the scar from the pencil-end-sized black-rimmed hole burned clear to the bone on my right forefinger, and the blisters on the other hand from the neutral wire, but no permanent harm was done Of course, if my sister hadn't wanted to watch TV and plugged in that particular extension cable, everything would have been fine.

I've never been able to do a thirty-foot backwards somersault from a seated position again, though.

I have to admit, I consider myself lucky to have gotten off so lightly. One lives and learns...

I wouldn't recommend this sort of thing as a hobby. It hurts.

The nitrogen iodide incident was around the age of fourteen, and was entirely the fault of a loopy friend, and a vice-principal who didn't follow instructions on the safe storage of unstable chemicals. I TOLD him to keep the container the right way up, but would he listen? Teachers!

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...