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Your nonchalant description ("running ours out in the driveway while watching TV") makes me wonder...
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If you are implying that we leave it running unattended, then you would be mistaken. That would result in an almost guaranteed lawsuit. Actually, what I meant was that while I am at the "controls" outside, other members of the family are still able to watch TV inside the house.
As far as what they are used for, well I guess there is no practical purpose. It's just very impressive to see in operation. The ozone, the buzzing, and big bolts of "lightning" are quite an experience. The inventor, Tesla used them to transmit electricity wirelessly, by tuning the coil to the point where it no longer made sparks. He could then power things in the vicinity of the coil just by grounding them. At least that's my take on it. It probably wasn't the safest concept and never really caught on.
If you want it to break, buy Sony!