Good question on what constitutes an attempt.
Well, I know I didn't do all that I could, but I've looked. For instance, the search revealed a video that Soundgarden released in about 1992 of live performances. I'll be getting that on when I get a chance because, suprise suprise, it's out of print.
All of my attempts were basically online stores. I check Amazon, I check Half, I check ebay. I also check for the most informative sites on a particular band, and see if there's anything listed there. My last resource is generally GEMM, a site with a heck of a lot of used music stuff, from CDs to posters. They usually have anything that's been out for a band.
But I know what you're talking about Drakino. I've had a similar experience. I had wanted a video that was put out by Blind Melon (not a music video, sort of a documentary on the band), called "Letter From a Porcupine". But it was out of print and nobody was selling. My girlfriend called up the distributer and got them to sell her a copy they had in back stock and she gave it to me for my birthday. That was rather cool.
Now they've just released it on DVD
I should also say that I have the same morals when it comes to old TV shows. I now have every episode of the X-Men animated series that was on Fox when I was still in boy scouts. So many memories from that show
Anyway, I guess I'm going to continue my music video downloading. And I encourage everyone to try to obtain the video for "Rabbit In Your Headlights" and see why MTV and VH1 are a bunch of wusses and can't appreciate a good music video when they see one. Also, if you don't know the song, you'll find a familiar voice singing it

If any of you are on AIM sometime, I'd gladly send it to you. I'll send you any video you want