code has been totally redone by Roger

Well, from the previous reactions you may conclude that it all seems to work. The reactions would probably have been showing a lot more more exciting if it had not worked right .

I've not used it for uploading or tag maintenance a lot yet. Will do so and let you know the experience. Some initial comments:

- the new emplode doesn't find my player on ethernet, while the old emplode quite happily connects.
- if the new emplode finds only one emma connected, you can't just press OK but you need to first explicitly select this single entry. If there's only one empeg player found, it would be nice if OK (or enter) would select it by default.
- the new emplode seems to insist on a disk check on every connect. It also wants to do a sync if nothing was changed.

A lot of work is going into emplode at the moment
Great! I'll wait and see how high Roger will be scoring on my wishlist.

mk2 nr 6
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6