I've looked at the two suggestions made here.
I looked through the documentation for Moveabletype, and wasn't impressed. Plus it has more than I really need, so I'll just skip it for now.

This leaves me with learning a little PHP. That's cool. I've looked at the PHP site and through the introduction and did the examples they gave there. I like how easy it is to handle forms and such without creating a real program to handle them.

Now I have to figure out where to go from there. I don't, actually, know javascript. I keep trying and it never catches. I can get some of the basics, but it never seems to stick. I seem to be doing okay so far with PHP, but if you guys could give me a nudge into the direction that will help me do this little project, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks everyone.

oh yeah, and I don't know anything about mySQL db's. Where do I learn about them?

Edited by DiGNAN17 (27/12/2002 20:15)