MySQL is made a lot easier if you don't have to fiddle with the command line or write much SQL. Go to and download phpmyadmin. Just decompress it and put the directory in your webspace - it shouldn't need any more installation than that. If it complains, make sure the config file looks right.
You'll need a login and password for mySQL. Once you have that, you can create a database and a table. I'd suggest calling it article and having at least these four fields: id, timestamp, title, body. Then create a row and enter some test data.
Then create a PHP script with something along the lines of the following:
mysql_connect ("localhost", "username", "password");
$articles=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM article LIMIT 0,5");
while($article=mysql_fetch_array($articles) {
echo $article['title'].'<br>'.nl2br($article['body']).'<br><br>';
That will list the first five article titles one per line. Just add a line within the while loop with echo $article['body'] to output the body of that article as well.
That should be enough to get you started.