Yeah... and then you see this appear:
Scan Activity Date/Time Comments
Pkg. Status Exception NEWARK NJ 08/17/2000 04:45 Regulatory Clearance DelayLeft FedEx Ramp STANSTED GB 08/16/2000 21:10
Left FedEx Origin Location STANSTED GB 08/16/2000 18:40
Int. Package Manifest Created STANSTED GB 08/16/2000 17:52
Picked up STANSTED GB 08/16/2000 15:52
Hopefully it'll get through tomorrow. I sent Rob an email about this, but FedEx was nice enough to call me at 4:03PM...just as they were closing. I'm sure they'll be nice enough to call me around the same time tomorrow if there's any further delays. So, I *may* have the Empeg to install this weekend, but, then again, I *may not*!
