I did have an email from Rob waiting for me at home.

I called FedEx to inquire what the status was. I actually talked to a person!

She asked about a "case" for the
CD player.

Ya just gotta laugh at that one! She was asking what it was made out of. (?!) HUH? I didn't know it had to be made out a certain material in order to come through customs! Maybe they thought it was platinum and wanted to charge me some big bucks! I told her it was either aluminum or sheet metal. (I guess that was the right answer, since she was okay with that.) Anyhow, she said they were "working on it right now", it would go to customs today, and I'd get it on Monday.


An entire, beautiful weekend coming up and I can't spend it working on my car?! It'll probably rain all next weekend!

Oh well... nothing I can do about it now, except rant, rave, and generally complain. It better arrive Monday, though!