I understand. I agree with you, the idiots are indeed hard to train.

I have to admit, I was once in a rear-ender. Not entirely my fault, and I wasn't doing anything stupid like reading a newspaper (can you believe people do that?), but I didn't see the sudden backup ahead in a place that there are never backups, and it ended up as one of those situations where I was the last in line to stop too short in a car with bad brakes, and I hit someone. I've never gotten in an accident again, and I hop never will, and I don't do the things that could cause this.

Unfortunately I had to go to traffic school and sit there with the stupidest people in the world who didn't know that red meant stop. Then the guy teaching the course was an idiot. He tried to teach us to go 55(mph) in the left lane. Now, I know this is what is legal and should be done, but I felt like jumping up and saying "But I'll be killed if I do that!"

Anyway, I'm just saying there's lots of idiots out there who can't learn any better. I happen to like those commercials (I think it's for car insurance) with the people who do horrible things in the car. And they're all true!

So don't get too mad at empeg for trying to save their own butts. I wouldn't want to miss out on the great software upgrades they've got in store for us if they had to shut down due to a lawsuit.
