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True, true. But technically, the faster traffic is not going a legal speed. 100 cars don't pass at the same time. In a perfect world, where we treated everyone with kindness and more importantly didn't mind going slowly, boring as it is, we would all go 55 in all lanes. But that is stupid as well.
Well actually, the sign is for the MAXIMUM speed limit. In a perfect world, everyone would be travelling in the right lane at less than 55. Not everyone is going to drive the same speed (a certainty), but even if everyone drives less than 55, some will drive 55, some will drive 52, some will drive 50. Slower traffic keep right, people still pass and all is legal. Just no one cares about the MAXIMUM speed limit. Just remember... MAXIMUM speed limit doesn't mean everyone must drive 55. It means that people can not EXCEED 55.