So, it looks like we pretty much agree.

The stupidity that goes along with drinking, smoking, and doing drugs is just amazing. Being plastered and irresponsible just isn't my idea of fun. I have no problem with people who are responsible enough to know their limits and have just a few drinks with dinner, etc. It just so happens that I choose to not drink at all.
I would think with all of the obvious consequences to doing drugs, and smoking, that people would be intelligent enough to realize they are slowly killing themselves, and having an effect on the people they love. Sad part is, most don’t realize it until it’s too late.
My family has had a number of deaths that were alcohol and nicotine related, and THAT, I think, is my main reason for being so set in my ways. After loosing so many loved ones, and knowing exactly what caused their death, it would be incredibly naïve of me to ignore the facts.
Now, getting my sister to stop smoking… that’s another story.