Well, the Scots are here now - and I have been made to feel very alcoholic by everyone elses responses
I am not really a fan of beer (well, occasionally I'll have a case of Stella or something similar, but it increases the percentage of time spent going to the bathroom, so is inefficient) so I tend to go for cocktails and hard spirits.
I guess traditionally in northern Scotland we are used to going to the cinema with a halfie of vodka from about 13 or 14 years old (that's 350ml-ish) and even now, with two kids under 3, every now and then we'll have a night in with 2 friends of ours and it is not unknown for the 4 of us to get through a case of beer, 6 or 7 bottles of wine and some whiskies, alcopops, white/black russians and some g&t's.
Here, though, the hangover cure is a huge bacon/sausage/egg fryup and copious quantities of Irn Bru.
Irn Bru is the best hangover cure in the world, and in Scotland is the only soft drink which outsells Coke. It is also a lovely natural glowing orange colour!
I have to say that avoiding beer and wine, and just drinking cocktails ensures never having a hangover. You can get through 6 or 7 pints of black russian and feel fine the next day, as it hydrates you along the way.
In fact the mornings I have felt worst have been after non-drinking nights when I have had 12 or15 Red Bull's. They really screw you up
If I can get to Amersfoort, I think I may challenge everyone to a drinking contest to uphold my national pride...(best not mention I'm only Scottish by way of being born here, actually half Australian, half English
