The T68 hardware is identical for all versions; when the 'i' came out, someone on a mobile forum tracked down the FCC declaration for the new model, in which ericsson confirmed that there weren't any hardware changes.

I had a vanilla T68, one of the early ones (November 2001, I think). The "not calling" problem was the worst - try and dial a number, you get the "calling.." screen, but instead of moving onto "connecting..." it just cleared the screen as if you'd never asked it to call at all. Power cycling usually didn't help, either. Battery out for 10 minutes would usually fix it. The software update didn't help, but the new one removed tetris (arrrgh!) and replaced it with battleships (whoop-de-doo!).

Never used GPRS on it, so it can't have been that slowing it down. Do you text much?

I just heard that the P800 doesn't have predictive text - I mean, is that just a huge gaping omission in anyone else's eyes? I don't fancy having to get the stylus out or tap a message letter by letter when I need to send a quick text! I was planning on getting one, but I think I'll just wait for Nokia's next Symbian-based toy - at least it'll be designed to work well as a phone...
