Apparently it's because they've had the phone for ages and it's time to stock an updated model. As long as they don't replace it with that horrible 3650. A rotary keypad, what kind of idiot would design that?
Replacing it because it's been out for ages? Over here it's only been available since september, and even then in very small quantities. I wonder what their norm is for tossing a certain model out : it's been out for 6 months?
I agree with you on the 3650. I've had a replica of the phone (the real phone is't available over here yet) in my hand yesterday and I hated it imediately. For one, it's even bigger than the 7650. Imagine a GSM phone of about 2-3 years ago and you've got about the correct size. It's about as wide as the 7650, but about 2-3cm longer. (oh, and it felt heavier too)
Ah, and that rotary keypad really stinks. The idiot that came up with that idea should be fired on the spot. I mean, we've been used to having the keys in a certain order for oh..say 20 years now, and some moron figures he has to bring change into this. I don't even want to think what a horrible task it must be to type an SMS on this phone. (blind typing like I can do now is certainly no option anymore)
I'm also taking into account that by the time it will finally hit the market, better options will be available. (or are in fact already available, such as the P800 from Sonyericsson)
Nah, this one gets a BIG 'thumbs down' from me. OK, so Nokia is the leader is portable phones now, but if they don't get their act together soon this could change very fast.
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