yn0t, I see that now. Off topic, but how many cats do you think would risk their lives for somebody else? On the contrary, I've heard of cats eating their incapacitated owners when they became hungry.

Back on topic:
We put our faith in these men and women to serve and protect. We expect them to exercize good judgement and fairness at all times, so we are surprised every time we hear about a police officer abusing our trust. I think one of the highest crimes that can be committed is abusing a position of trust and authority, whether through bribery, corruption, covering your own ass, lying, or deliberately poor judgement. Yes, police officers should be held to a higher standard, which is why it is disgraceful that their leadership lets something like this slide without a suspension or a reprimand.

Most officers are going to meet that standard of trust, but we should be aware that the potential exists for that trust to be abused. That is why we have laws about unreasonable search and seizure, speedy trials, cruel and inhuman punishment, miranda rights, etc. Of course, if Ashcroft gets his way, all of those rights will be gone by the time he leaves office.

I am not surprised to hear about the abuse of our trust but I am deeply saddened every time it occurs.
