Sorry, I had to post about it.
Overall the Oscars were what I thought they would be. Horribly boring, drawn out, full of people who don't seem to even want to be there, and simply a large celebration of the movies with the largest box office takes of the 12 month of the year. A few things (and ONLY a few things) pleased me, though:
1) Steve Martin was the only reason for watching, as he is always one of the funniest people on the planet
2) The best original screenplay category was devoid of blockbusters and fan-favorites, meaning people had to actually think about what they were voting for. I hope to see "Talk to Her" very soon.
3) I applaud Michael Moore for saying what he did. I happen to agree with him, but that wasn't the point. I found two things funny about the crowd reaction. For one, other presenters and winners had some of the same basic sentiments, they just didn't say it as bluntly as he did. They were more diplomatic. Second, I found it quite funny how Moore received a well-deserved standing ovation for his Oscar win for "Bowling for Columbine," one of few for the night. The change in crowd reaction after his speech was very humorous.
All that said, it was overall the dull evening I expected. Chicago won a lot, the presenters were bored out of their minds, and Jack Nicholson smiled from the front row. Same old same old. Or, to paraphrase Dreamcatcher, same shit, different year.