Well, nukes would work, for instance, and they're not guns. But cops will still be allowed to have guns, and they'll be the ones disarming you

I don't think Moore's point was that disarmament is needed. I think Moore's point is that something is wrong with this country that's causing us to have problems when other countries with a similar or higher level of gun ownership don't.

I for instance think owning guns should stay legal, but I wouldn't cry if you had to undergo actual education in the handling of a firearm to get one. Many (not all or even necessarily most) NRA members have this knee-jerk reaction whenever such is suggested. On the flip side, that group doesn't seem to be interested in trying to solve any problems, either. As long as they've got theirs, they're ok.

In the interest of full disclosure, I own no guns, but have considered (and continue to) getting one, on and off.