I think the main reason they were complaining, and the reason my roommate was complaining, was because they showed their initial design of a more realistic Link, then went this totally different direction. They felt like they were being teased or something. Honestly, I think it's better this way. I love this game. It's the very type of game that I love. It's not hard, it's entertaining. I think too many games today try to be insanely hard in order to drag the gameplay out longer. Here we have a pretty easy game, but it's absoultely HUGE!
Actually, the more I play this game the more I feel that this is the way it should be I mean, this game looks and feels directly related to Link to the Past for SNES, and I think that's one of the best games of all time. I regularly go back and play that one.
As for the puzzles, I agree. The Zelda designers have always made the best puzzles, and these are just fun. Most of all, when I find I'm stuck on one, the biggest step to take is remembering what items I have. There has been several times where I've forgotten about a way-cool item (that you'll get on the next island, Tony), and I think "duh!"
Damn this is a great game. I couldn't put it down last night and I played it until 4:30AM

What's even worse is the clocks have changed, so I'm even more tired than usual. It's worth it, though