Does anyone know of a player similar to the windows media center edition. When I say similar I am looking for something that is easy to run with a remote, has large fonts and icons so it looks good on a tv, and takes over the pc.
I looked at some of the media center pc's and it works amazingly well (I was suprised anyway it is windows after all) it is really fast but it doesn't have insert and append (at least that I can find correct me if I am wrong) I didn't try the PVR part though.
I have tried to use moviX but I can't get it to run also I don't think it supports a remote.
The Xbox media player looks cool but because it's not really legal you almost have to be a programmer to install it they don't offer it compiled. Also I'm not sure if it has the all important insert and append features.
I should just buy a central but now I am kinda thinking it would be nice to just have a entire pc so I could view photos and the internet on the TV. Plus spending 1149 on it when the company just died it kinda scarey too (although I should know better about that
