I didn't mean to insult any work you might have done

I agree, Girder is definitely NOT intuitive. I set it up a long time ago, and if I had to make any changes, I'd have to go back and relearn how. My main complaint with the ATI software was that if controlled a limited amount of things, and nobody had made any profiles for it. If I wanted to control anything other than ATI's software or Winamp, I had no ability to. Also, I was unable to target anything. I had to be controlling whatever had the current focus.
Lastly, there were no states. With Girder, I can open Winamp, control it no matter what I'm focusing on, and without even focusing on it, I can use the same button to close
only Winamp. That, to me, is great. I use this with Winamp, WMP6, OE, IE, and several folders with multimedia files.
There were other limitations that I just couldn't live with, but mainly it was that I couldn't control WMP6.4 and a few other things, so I went with Girder.
I look forward to looking at your program, though! I hope it can do what I want with it.