I'm hoping for a TTS enabled GPSapp.
So it can tell me to turn left instead of right that much more clearly?

Of course, that little problem should be taken care of pretty soon. Jan and I found the root of what was causing that problem. Sometimes the map data has very small errors in it, making an intersection look like a tiny little loop only a few feet wide instead of a clean turn. Seems like a clean turn when zoomed out at the proper distance, but at a very small scale, there's noise that needs to be corrected somewhere in the process.

I agree, though, it would be cool to have GPSapp do voice overlay, especially if you could leave it on the player screens and have the voices come up in the mix.

In fact, I was thinking that a nice addition to GPSapp would be a pop-up mode which allowed you to stay mostly on the music screen and have it pop up only near turns.
Tony Fabris