I had an all black cat a year ago or so named Capo. He was hit by a car about a month after I lost my job, apartment and had to move back in with my parents. About a day later my sisters boyfriend found three kittens that were covered in paint and grease/oil. We took two of them them in (her boyfriend kept the third) and named them Harley and Chance. They are both still with my parents and sister. A few months before all that we had a cat named Biscuit (don't ask

) that died of poisoning of some sort; never did figure out exactly what happened. We also had a Russian Blue named Kitty (we could never decide what to call him

), but he was mentally disturbed. He had major behavioral problems and we ended up taking him to the ASPCA, which I still regret. He was about 10 years old.
That's probably more than any of you wanted to know.
So, anyway, when I moved out (again) I immediately started looking for a cat. I've never lived anywhere without cats for more than a month or so, so it just feels weird to not have one around.