I took a look at the previous post and attempted to follow the the directions there, but still seem to be having the same problem...

Here's what I've done:
I have a single (new) drive installed as master in a mark2 unit.
I have installed Emplode 2.0 on my computer and used the
car2-builder-20011022.upgrade on the drive. My unit is plugged in using the AC adapter, not a sled and uses the null-modem serial cable.
Once the builder is finished, the drive reboots and starts the stress test. I let it run over night the first night before attempting to install the developer image. After unpluging the
unit from the stress test I ran the
car2-consumer-v2.00.upgrade which completed as well.
After unplugging the power again, I plugged the unit in again and tried to access it with Emplode 2.0 and it crashed again at the checking media stage.

This is what the previous post says will happen and did happen to me. I have tried to re-build the drive again using the same method as before, tried just reinstalling the developer image and even tried the consumer image... any hints as to which step I might be leaving out? I don't want to copy my old mp3 files over so do I need to copy anything else from the old drives? I can post the logs if you think it will help identify my problem. Thanks for the help