Being from this side of the water, obviously Thanksgiving is not any different to any other day, and I guess the same goes for this shopping day thing, but as I hate sales of any type (in fact I hate tourist season, when millions of folk clog the streets by being crap at moving sensibly) I have a jacket I always wear when I have to venture out. It actually has been useful once when I had to get to a shop during the January sales. Normally in a situation like that I would probably end up battered and bruised by a flock of 90-year olds.

Not with this jacket...

Started life as a standard bikers jacket, in thick leather.

Now a high percentage of it is covered with the little metal discs from the top of champagne bottles - affixed with the metal cages from those bottles.

Spiky and solid

Now I can walk forth into the sea of vicious pensioners with confidence that I will return with most of my limbs

Never heard of this Buy Nothing Day either - sounds a bit like New Year's Day, although then it is just due to failing to reach consciousness usually.
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock