Wheeee - about to begin flamewar...All, beware:-)
I feel almost diametrically opposed to customsex on this topic. I think judging anyone on what they put into their bodies is utterly irrelevant. If the effect it has on them makes a negative impact on me <b>then</b> I would have an issue, for example if a junkie steals my VCR, car or even worse, my empeg, then I would have major issues...if they stay in the comfort of their own home in a drugged coma I couldn't give a rats ass. Drunks - should never drive, and if obnoxious, should be escorted home/to a cell/away from others.
I am personally not a fan of drugs (in the harder sense, you know - heroin, cocaine, nicotine etc) but I probably have one glass of red wine a day (for purely health reasons

) and currently have two bottles of Bombay Sapphire gin, a bottle of Smirnoff and an Absolut Citron in the freezer, and rarely have less than a case of Stella in there.
Been a while since I was a student, so I can't manage the serious sessions now, but I don't think I would understand anyone who hasn't been absolutely stocious at some point in their life. I don't know anyone who hasn't had at least one amusing party incident - "where am I?" "what did I do last night" and the classic "and you are...?"
Life is for fun (IMHO) and, while I can happily have fun with no alcohol (and often do because I love my Scooby so driving the folks to the pub isn't a chore) I can also have fun with it.
So, where was I - oh yes...just chill out man. Respect should have nothing to do with whether someone drinks or whatever...it should be about their actions.