Whatever you do, DON'T test drive a Taylor with the Expression system through a PA board.
Not to worry, I won't! I have my acoustic solution, and I'm not changing for anything anytime soon.

I've actually heard pickup systems for acoustic guitars that sounds nice, but they are a LOT of work, requiring a suspended mics inside the guitar, stereo outputs, and other nonsense. My friend's band (who is HUGLY popular in Christian music and does all this for a living) had all of their acousitics rigged up to sound fantastic live, and they really did good. Then after their first nation wide tour someone finally said "Hey, you know with drums, keyboard, electric guitar, and three part harmony, people really can't tell the difference whether we go through all this trouble or not!" And now they run their acoustic guitars on single channels pretty much dry. I tend to take the same approach: my guitar still sounds better than a Takimine or Ovation when I play live, and once the whole band has kicked it, it's not that important if every nuance comes out.

Edit: And when I said "awful" it's not really that bad. It's just not even close to what I hear when I play at home or in the studio.

Edited by FerretBoy (13/12/2003 08:23)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.