They [consoles] just aren't good enough when compared to PCs.
I have problems with consoles. The controllers are usually very limiting. Playing an FPS, for example, on a console is, to me, an exercise in frustration. The grpahics are not as good as on PCs, even if the limitation is only the monitor (TV). (I've not seen an Xbox via HDTV, so that might be better, but I think that the support for that in the games is pretty limited.) Also, while you usually gradually upgrade your PC, you have to buy a whole new console every few years in order to keep up.

But the one thing that consoles have over PCs, and it's major, is that you just put in the disc/cartridge and you're ready to go. No futzing about with video drivers, no wondering if your video card is good enough, no arguing with the variety of things that PCs make difficult due to their multi-purpose-ness. For that reason, console games can be a lot more fun, especially those where the console controller is a good choice for the game.
Bitt Faulk