After the donation of a Jupiter by the Pearl beta manager and some prodding by Tony, I finally got jEmplode working properly with it. Then after Tony shared his dream of being able to copy and paste from his Jupiter to his Empeg to his Karma, I thought I'd see what it would take to do. Turns out not much. So I put up a new jar ( ) that has support for all three.
There is a new item under the File menu "Open New Device ..." that will let you open a second (or third) window. The devices all share a common clipboard, so you can copy-and-paste between them. No drag-n-drop yet, but someone submitted a patch for that a while back and I just haven't integrated it yet because I was afraid of impacting RMML.
The one catch here is that for uniquing to work properly, all your tunes need RID's. if you are using 2.x on your Empeg, you probably don't have them, but you can get RioRID from (in the Other Karma Apps section) and it will recompute RID's for all your tunes. This may take a while (it's basically doing the process that occurs on import into jEmplode, but downloading off the player instead of reading from the filesystem).
For Jupiters, there's a bit of a catch. Not only does Jupiter not get RID's calculated, it turns out it's not possible (currently) to even set a tag named RID. So for the Jupiter, when you run RioRID (just use "empeg" as the commandline param -- they are the same protocol), it will piggyback on your comments fields. So if you had a comment like "I am in love with Mike", that would become "I am in love with Mike;RID=xxxxxxxxxx".
RioBackup is another one of the apps at that is compatible with the Empeg and Karma, so you can use that as well. To run any of the rmml apps, you will want to put the jars in the same folder as jemplode.jar. Most of the RMML apps are commandline only, so you'll want to run them as "java -jar riorid.jar" in a shell.
Another cool thing that Tony told me is that Jupiter supports hierarchical playlists just like Karma does (that is, it supports them secretly

), so you should be able to copy all of your nested playlists around happily.
Anyway, enjoy .. I have no idea what version number I put on jEmplode this time. As always, this is alpha/beta/whatever -- If your wife or husband leaves you and takes your Jupiter with you because of something jEmplode did, I'm not responsible.
P.S. the source that's up there doesn't match ... I'll upload that when I get home.