do the VFDs on the empeg suffer from burn-in over time? One of the screens I keep up most of the time is the track info screen. Some of the items there are always in the same spot. Have you ever had any burn-in problems? Does that really apply to VFDs?

Yes. I have some dark spots on my Mk1 where the Time display sits on the "Now and Next" screen. It only took about a month of leaving that screen up (100% of the time for approx 8 hours a day, 5 days a week) before the burn became noticeable.

However, it is not very noticeable. It's quite faint, and you can't see it unless you've got a "flat-color" visual running like Caledonian. Also, it's not like phosphor burn on a CRT where you can see the burn when the unit's off. On the VFD, you can't see anything's wrong with the display when it's turned off. It's just that some of the pixels are dimmer than others now.

And to tell you the truth, there's some variation in my display anyway, in the form of horizontal lines running across the display. Here is a post that illustrates the variation in my display. The burned-in pixels are no worse than the variation in the pixel brightness of the horizontal lines. So since the display already has some variation, the burn-in is not a big deal.

Still, I keep asking for the static text screens to move the time and other static elements around so that they don't stay in the same place all the time. Since discovering that "Now and Next" burned my screen, I no longer leave it up in that mode any more. Too bad, because it was my favorite screen mode...

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris