But when I'm shuffling on genre and turn off the shuffle I'm in middle of the correct album (which is good) but the previous and subsequent albums appear to be in random order.Hmm, when Mike and I discussed the issue, he seemed to think the root of the issue was the method used for randomization. Maybe the fix for my complaint would fix this as well, but I'm not sure about it since I don't know what's going on under the hood.
Please tell me if this will work. If I set up explicit playlists based on genre, shuffle one of those playlists, then turn off shuffle you're saying that the empeg is supposed to leave me in the middle of a big playlist but at least the album order will be as I set up in Emplode?That will work, and it wouldn't be suceptible to the bug I mentioned since you won't have duplicates in that playlist. The bug only happens if you have a song that's both in an album playlist as well as a mixed playlist. The bug happens because the shuffled playlist might have de-duped the album version on the song rather than the mixed-playlist version of the song.
Hey, Mike, if you're listening: Is it simply a case of the de-dupe happening after the shuffle instead of before it? Or did I already ask that question?
It also somewhat alleviates my problem of having my playlist run out while on the road.If you tag all your playlists as "Automatically repeat", then this will never happen. Oh, except there's another bug where, if you remove the power in the middle of a playlist, then it forgets that the playlist was set to "Automatically repeat" and it won't repeat it if you hit the end of the playlist after re-applying power. Hmm, that one's been there for a long time as well, and I just checked it, it's still there.
Tony Fabris