Well, during the whole ordeal this morning, I reattached the original master/slave combo and did the 2.0 final upgrade, so that's done. Then when I rebuilt the new 80gb I put 2.0 on it too. I'm a 2.0 final guy now (looking forward to crossfade).

The extra 30gb drives (3 total) are going into other players:

50gb player (10gb + 40gb) will now be 70gb (30gb + 40gb)
10gb player will now be a 60gb (30 + 30)

This will yeild a nice team of Empegs 2@ 110gb, 1@ 70gb, 1@ 60gb, 1@ 30gb, 1@ 20gb (this one is the wife's)
Bodybag - So Cal
Not a Whiner any more!!!