My Mums cat, lollypop, used to have to wear a little magnet around her neck to open on of those flaps, but she keft on pulling if off somehow.

We ended up just making it so she could get out but not back in (using a screw on the inside of the flap) over time she has worked out she can paw at the flap and get it to spring back at her, get another paw under the flap, get her head under and get in. Its amazing to watch her do it.

Using this method also means she can't bring any "presents" for us into the house, as she can't carry anything in her mouth whilst doing the manover.

I'll have to get the whole thing on Video one day, and sell it to one of those TV shows, its very funny to watch.

I love cats, I really feel for you Laura, our old cat, Ginger, died of cancer, I had known him every day of my life up until the point he died (we got him the week I was born). It was a strange feeling getting up the next day and not having him wind his way around my legs while I was making breakfast. I still miss him.

