Thanks for speaking for me..not!
So you're absolutely convinced that a Napster-like service is going to be used overwhelmingly for legal purposes? Uh-huh.
And that is why Napster is shut down. That is why IRC is shutdown. That is why usenet is shutdown. All nots, of course.
IRC and Usenet have significantly more legal uses than illegal. The courts have come down against Napster, even if the word isn't final yet.
Stop your whining purer than thou rhetoric. If you don't want to download then don't.
I don't plan on downloading, of course. And furthermore I can easily withstand childish attacks like yours in order to express my opinion. The person I was replying to was suggesting he was "taken aback and hurt" by the objections raised, and frankly I'm of the opinion that "if you can't take the heat..."
So keep firing away if you like, Squid2k1, it lets me know that my opinion is at least heard.
Michael Grant
12GB Green
Michael Grant
12GB Green