Here in Louisiana there is a very neat little loophole in ticketing.
First If you get a ticket and do not what the headache of being reported to your insurance company, when you get the money order (or cashiers check ) to pay the fine......get it for 2 or three dollars more than the fine for the violation.
Next the ticketing authority will send you a check for the amount you over-paid. Simply never cash that check. As far as the court is concerned the matter is not settled until the check clears, and they will not report any information to insurance companies on cases that are not closed.

I unfortunately have had to do this a three times in the last few years. I have to drive over 500 miles every week. I live in Baton Rouge, but I have a daughter in Shreveport (250 miles north). So every Friday I load up and head to Shreveport, and every Sunday after church I head back to Baton Rouge. Over the years I have gotten to know most of the state troopers working on Fridays and Sundays. They really don’t bother ticketing me anymore. If one of them pulls me over it’s usually because they are covering someone else’s shift. Sometimes they give me a ticket, but I just call who ever normally works that area and ask them to catch it before it hits the system. This works much better than over paying on a fine that I didn’t want to pay in the first place.
_______________________________________ former I'm just another schmuck