This seems to be a contradiction to the empeg-car, which was aimed at a small group of people.

I think this is where you are off. It's aimed at a small group of people now due only to it's incredibly high price tag. Do you think the folks at empeg set out with the idea "we're going to produce and market a product with the smallest area of interest"? No, that's jsut the way it had to be. As Rob said, it was inevitable that they either get bought up, or, in a much slower proccess, become a bigger company themselves. The buy enables them to get backing quicker and thus possibly lower the prices of the product. That will increase the interest.

Who knows, now we might see empegs in retail shops and dealers and car audio mags. I think this is a good thing.

Oh, and for now I'm going to take the lack of response to my question about charging for future upgrades as a sign that there might be a plan for it. As long as there are future upgrades, and they don't cost like $40 each, I won't mind.
