well here is my whole take on the merger/takeover.. I am a young gun by all means (20) and well it sounds to me like the good ole boy feeling of the empeg family is being threatend by the evil conglomerations of the corp world.. all i got to say is this smells like the same fish the good ole *nix hackers were screaming and crying about some years ago. And look what linux (the thing they were bitching and crying about) has done to the world. same thing here guys just on a smaller scale. I belive times are changing and all we can do is sit down shut up and enjoy the ride. I mean hugo rob and the gang are an awesome group of people and im sure they wont want to see there sweat blood and tears go to the shiter so fast. Will it happen eventually..only time will tell for now i say share in rejoice with the guys man they worked there ass off and should enjoy every second of what there spoils are. (on a personal note i envy u guys as i myself am attempting to rule the world, give me another year or so) As for S3 closing the source and changeing everything all i can say is from a bus. point of view it would be STUPID to close up anymore access to source code.. think about it like this.. They tookover empeg for its intellectual capital not its market share. what do you think constitues empegs intellectual capital.. the 8 or so guys in the uk are def a big part of it at least 70% or so. What of the other 30% u ask.. well my reply is cruise around the forums..the rest of the intellectual capital is US the USERS/Coders/Hackers of the empeg community (note i dont think i have done [censored] to help out empeg as the only coding i can do is morse). I m just trying to point out that if S3 did make a "evil corp" mistake by closing source they would be ass out a talent pool that is only GROWING, so what some 18 yearold punk might make some super cool program that s3 wants to add to the whole package, since the source is free that he used to make the program his program has to be to (correct me if im wrong im not a lawyer) there for all S3 has to do is give credit for the add on and possibly cut the kid a lil deal and hire him for more deving.. WIN WIN situation as for service @empeg IT CAN NEVER GET AS BAD AS AOL. :) haha my .02
congrats empeg
*and if a competetor was to use some code they to have to credit and open there source to correct?*

Your favorite mispelling young customer

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...
Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...